Grim-dark miniature gaming in a futuristic universe.
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Web Resources
Whether you’re shopping around for a new faction, need help painting your current one,
or just want to explore what’s out there, these resources can help.
Warhammer Community
Get list building help, news, and more with the official community page for everything Warhammer!
New Recruit
A comprehensive web-based list builder for all games under the Warhammer umbrella.
Spikey Bits
Get the latest news and speculation about Warhammer releases and explore their podcast content.
Warhammer Home
The home of everything Warhammer. Check out new releases and old models from Games Workshop.
A Wide Variety of Games
There are tons of games under the Warhammer umbrella.
Find the one that’s right for you.

Warhammer 40K
- Sci-fi and dark
- Space Marines and other iconic miniatures
- Large-scale battles with a full army

Age of Sigmar
- Fantasy creatures and factions
- Stormcast Eternals and other fantastic, highly-designed miniatures
- Large-scale battles with a full army

Kill Team
- Sci-fi and dark
- Space Marines and other iconic miniatures
- Small-scale skirmish battles

- Fantasy creatures and factions
- Stormcast Eternals and other fantastic, highly-designed miniatures
- Small-scale skirmish battles

- Sci-fi, grungy, and unique
- Street gangs, enforcers, and great terrain
- Medium-scale narrative battles & campaigns
Smaller Systems

The Old World

Horus Heresy (30K)